Glenn Vilppu                                                                                                      Animal drawing

The approach will be the same as Villpu`s figure drawing course. It is a logical step by step procedure where you can focus on one element at a time. First, get the gesture, then construct using simple forms, add appropriate anatomical elements then tone and detail to bring the animal to life! Focusing first on the gesture gives the drawings a sense of movement in life. The day will be held at the natural history where he will give lessons on structure and anatomy. He will give several demos throughout each the day and work with each artist individually as they draw. Artists of all levels are welcome.

Dieser Kurs wird in Englisch gehalten. Eintrittspreise sind vor Ort zu begleichen.


Kurs-Nr. 25-057


2 Kurstage | WEEKEND

Sa 5. – So 6. Jul 2025

10.00 bis 17.00 Uhr

Min. 8 bis max. 14 TN

320,– Euro/pP