Internationally-acclaimed portrait artist, Alexander Newley, guides you through the process of a creating a powerful and successful portrait.
Starting the portrait: lighting, finding the right pose, getting into the initial sketch and achieving a first likeness.
Dynamic modelling and paint application, bringing the portrait to life as a work of art; different ways of working from life, and from photography. Achieving a final and exact likeness; integrating the background with the subject to achieve a harmonious whole; knowing when to stop and consider a painting finished.
Dieser Kurs wird in Englisch gehalten. Eventuelle Modellkosten sind vor Ort zu bezahlen.
Kurs-Nr. 25-071
3 Kurstage | WEEKEND
Fr 12. – So 14. Sep 2025
10.00 bis 17.00 Uhr
Min. 8 bis max. 12 TN
480,– Euro/pP
Claude Monet